See all the Young Puppeteers Film Contest 2021 entries here.

The list of films submitted are:

Title Puppeteer
“The Ballad of the Prince, the Bacon, and the Giant” Oliver Karlsson
“Hans -The Motion Picture”/td> Prince Hans Productions
“A Very Heated Pinguin” Lormiga Títeres (Felipito)
“Gitanita’s Adventures” Lormiga Títeres (Giselle)
“Whrisker’s Dream” Lormiga Títeres (León)
“Pigget and Pog’s Lost Mom” Pog & Pigget
“Sammy the Sleepless Moth” Odessa
“Phoenix and Webers” Delthia
“Cinderella and Rapunzel” – Runa
“The Cat That Never Leaves” Polkadots
“Journey through the enchanted forest” LW Films
“Fred & Ted” FJ Herrera
“Welcome to I.T.” Cooper Ardelean
“Old Habits” Ruadhán Gormally
“The Helpful Bird” Joe Bumgardener
“the Underwater Meeting” Zman Productions The Puppet and Music Guy